2024/2025元智霍特獎校園賽時程表 Yuan Ze University Hult Prize OnCampus Competitive Schedule
【甚麼是霍特獎?What is the Hult Prize?】
霍特獎(Hult Prize)是全球最具影響力的學生創業競賽之一,旨在激勵大學生通過創業解決全球性社會問題。該獎項每年會提出一個具有挑戰性的社會問題,並鼓勵參賽團隊提出創新的解決方案。霍特獎的目標是發掘和培養未來的社會企業家,並為他們提供資金和資源,以幫助實現他們的創業計劃。
The Hult Prize is one of the most influential student entrepreneurship competitions globally, aiming to inspire university students to solve global social problems through entrepreneurship. Each year, the competition presents a challenging social issue and encourages participating teams to come up with innovative solutions. The goal of the Hult Prize is to discover and cultivate future social entrepreneurs, providing them with funding and resources to help bring their entrepreneurial plans to life.
Each year, the Hult Prize challenges tackle various global issues, such as education, health, energy, and the environment. Teams from universities around the world compete, first through on-campus competitions, then regional events, with the winners advancing to the global finals. The ultimate winners receive funding support and the opportunity to further develop their entrepreneurial projects to create a positive social impact.
【今年競賽主題 This Year's Competition Theme】
This year's competition theme is "Unlimited!", focusing on the concept of infinity with sustainability as its core value.
【協助競賽的工作坊 Workshops Supporting the Competition】
You can engage in in-depth face-to-face discussions with the speakers on topics such as the 2024/2025 Hult Prize theme and competition rules and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to help develop your business proposals.
【報名程序 Registration Process】
1. 所有創業商業提案團隊必須通過官網的競賽報名表格進行註冊
All entrepreneurial teams must register through the competition registration form on the official website.
2. 完成報名表格後,將收到一封電子郵件,內含有關如何進行後續操作的指示
After completing the registration form, you will receive an email with instructions on the next steps.
3. 註冊的創業公司完成後,校園總監將能夠在平台上查看來自自己大學的註冊團隊並進行核對
Once registered, Campus Directors will be able to view and verify teams from their university on the platform.
【校園賽時程表 OnCampus Competition Schedule】
-2025/01/03 元智大學校園賽報名截止
Deadline for registration for the Yuan Ze University campus competition
-2025/02/11 工作坊(報名後會寄信件告知)
Workshop (Details will be sent by email after registration)
-2025/02/24 上傳商業提案簡報檔
Upload business proposal presentation file
-2025/02/25 元智大學校園決賽
Yuan Ze University campus competition
【相關檔案&連結 Files & Links】